Freedom Rewards

Spread throughout Vulture Revolver are a small collection of centerfolds that will be rewarded to you after you've made a series of choices that could only be made by a true son of a bitch. When you find one it will look like this:

Freedom Rewards the
Son of a Bitch

Be sure to take the time to check out the centerfold and remember that behind every man's motive is the woman of their dreams. There are several different centerfolds to find within each section of The Manual. You may find the same one more than once depending on your behavior, but if you want to find them all you'll need to try every possible way of getting to the end.

Next: The Morgue

The Vulture Revolver Owner's Manual ©2009-2022 RVR Games
A Division of Revolver Visual Design LLC
Recommended for Mature Audiences Only | Credits